Oct 18 2006

I really should carry my camera with me everywhere

Published by at 11:55 am under amy's head,crafty,daily

But I don’t. So you’re stuck with this blurry camera phone photo (clickity click to see the big version):

My latest batch of marble push-pins. We have a ton of marble magnets on our fridge, but I really needed more pins for my board at work. Push pins seem to be a hot commodity around here, because I couldn’t find any in the supply closet. What a great reason to make my own!

A new road, which they have been working on FOR EV ER finally opened yesterday. James and I were buzzing like little bees over the flashing sign they put up to alert everyone that a new traffic pattern would be in effect Tuesday. Tuesday morning came – the road was STILL CLOSED. I was torqued. James was torqued. All of our (meager) conversation that day was how mad we were that they LIED and it WAS NOT OPEN.

But then! Lo! The heavens opened! And the new road was open upon our arrival home!

It usually takes James 30-40 minutes to take the detour to the kids’ school in the mornings to drop off. This morning, 15-20 minutes. It usually takes me 20-30 minutes to get to I-66 through the stop and go traffic. This morning, 10 minutes.

Now if they would only finish 66. It’s insane. They are so close to being done. JUST FINISH IT ALREADY!


I think it’s about time we cough up the $17 bucks and purchase one of these:


That’s right folks, a DVD rewinder.

Just THINK of all the time you will have when you don’t have to rewind those damn DVDs yourself anymore.

That is all. I bid you adieu.

– amy says, “A-doo.”

One response so far

One Response to “I really should carry my camera with me everywhere”

  1. Hillyon 18 Oct 2006 at 2:52 pm

    Yeah every day I tell myself to put my camera in my purse cause something cool happens so I hear ya!