Archive for March, 2007

Mar 08 2007

feelin’ goooooood!

or at least better.

My back is A-OK, I must say. It’s not back to totally normal, but day to day activities are now able to take place without feeling like there’s a knuckle driving into my spine. I can’t just sit on our couch in the evenings though. Most nights I spend sitting on a stool, and for some reason sitting in my car gives me that knuckle in the spine feeling as well. It is getting much better though, and I was even able to sit on the couch last night for a whole 20 minutes! The arm pain was not nearly as well as I would have liked on MOnday, and so I did take Tuesday and Wednesday off to make sure that situation was totally under control. Sucks to be using this much sick time so early in the year, but I don’t think it was avoidable.

We do have some exciting news, we took advantage of me being unable to work by going car buying yesterday. We bought James a 2006 (so, used) Subaru Impreza WRX STI. (Read: super super sporty-fast-maniac-huge-spoiler-car) I did all of the legwork, which I kind of got a thrill out of doing and totally enjoyed, by calling around to all the dealers in a 250 mile radius to try to get the bottom line price. I managed to fanagle the price down while James sat looking out the window at his soon-to-be new car and drooling. I must say, it’s a very pretty car. So shiny! So fast! So pretty! I told him we should name it. He kind of laughed, and said he’s never named a new car before, so the rest of the day I kept dropping girl names.

“Don’t drive Miyoki through too many slushy puddles!” (she is a subaru, after all)
“Little Katelyn is soooooo pretty!” (I don’t actually like that one, because I think of a little toddler girl for some reason)
and finally, I’d open the garage door and call out, “Good night, Natasha!” before going to bed.

So yeah, congratulate James on his new baby, and condole with him on the departure of the very first car he ever bought, the ford contour SVT (it never had a name.)

Other names I can come up with (or came up with):

The older sister in Totoro whose name I can’t remember

Here’s the from it’s listing photo (ie: not a photo we took) It has silver wheels though instead of the gold (we made them switch them) Click to see a bigger version:


Anyway, it’s back to the grind now. Jocelyn’s birthday is on Saturday, we’re having a little party for her, and she has informed us that she wants THREE BALLOONS. Every time we ask her what she wants for her birthday, she says THREE BALLOONS!

So she’ll be (at least) getting 3 balloons on Saturday! Yesterday morning, she looked up at me and asked, “Am I three now?”

Not yet sweetie! Oh I wish it would be never! Ok.. maybe not really. But she was a baby such a short time ago. Sniff sniff!

more updates later. yeeee-haw, it’s good to be back!

2 responses so far

Mar 04 2007

still in pain

Published by under daily,likes & irks

still not updating.

getting more and more worried about my health. i’m unable to sit on my couch.

my arms hurt most of the day.

this sucks.

was going to go to work tomorrow. now not sure.

not sure if staying home will help either.


2 responses so far

Mar 01 2007


Published by under amy's head,daily,likes & irks

hi there.

i just want to say i haven’t forgotten you, internet. i was all excited to start posting again this week. however the grueling schedule of working day and night and even weekends and holidays (and birthdays, i’m 33 now) seemed to have taken a toll on my body. specifically, my back and my arms (carpel tunnel) are leading a revolt against me. chiropractic care and wrist braces are my weapons of choice.

as anyone who has ever felt the twinge of CT knows, the only real way to get rid of it is to stay away from a computer. i fudged at that earlier this week, but today i drew the line and took the day off. i’m not planning on working much tomorrow either. hopefully a good 4 days away from keyboards will be enough of a gesture for my arms to forgive me and come back to health. once theyre in the fold, maybe my back will follow suit.

anyway. long way to say, sorry, but i won’t be playing catchup like i said i would. sniff sniff.

someone remind me never to beat myself up like this for WORK again. so so so so not worth it. i’m in PAIN, internet, PAIN.

hopefully i’ll see y’all next monday.


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