Oct 17 2008

i can’t talk, so here, have a cute yard robot

Published by at 11:53 am under amy's head

I have things to say, GOD do i have things to say. But I have no time. Suffice it to say, Ethan has been in trouble, not at his real-school, but at his after-school school, and it has brought me near to tears all morning. I can’t tell if it’s entirely kid-anguish that is almost bringing the tears, or maybe it’s partly lady issues that has me so almost-weepy, all I can say is, if I am going to get a speeding ticket in the near future, today would be a good day so that I might call up the tears that are just there, hiding, waiting to spring to my eyes and hopefully melt the policer officer into a puddle of mercy.

So, here, have a cute little robot. I have no idea when I took this picture. The date stamp on it is yesterday and I know that’s not right, that’s just the stamp of when I got it off my iphone. I vaguely remember being alone with James at the time and taking it very spontaneously, stopping our walking from Place A to Place B, in order to take picture of Thing Robot Of Cuteness, but that is all I remember. James? Any other memories here?

Here you are.

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