Jan 14 2011

National Delurking Day

Published by at 10:00 am under amy's head

It’s national Delurking day! And what better way to celebrate than to stop lurking about on my own blog?

Today is the day to come on out of the woodwork and make yourself heard — comment away — all 2 of you who still have this old blog in your google reader 🙂

I know vague directives to “comment away” makes me want to just click away, so how about this — tell me what name you WISHED you had been given by your parents. Either now, or maybe when you were a kid, or whatever. I’ll go first.

When I was eight and me and my best friend pretended to be princesses/ pirates/ mermaids/ stowaways/ treasure hunters/ horses/ unicorns/ pegasus/ flying unicorn pegasus/ enter-your-chosen-pretend-personae-here, I always wanted to be named Alexa, Alexia, Alexandria, or Diana. I thought they were just the most beautiful names in the world.

I’m fine with Amy now though 🙂

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “National Delurking Day”

  1. Chrison 14 Jan 2011 at 11:30 am

    Happy DLD!!

  2. Michelleon 14 Jan 2011 at 12:07 pm

    I can’t remember if I wanted a different name, but at 2 points in my life I did actually go ny 2 other names. When I was in 5th/6th grade there was another Michelle in my class so I told the teachers they could call me by my middle name which was Marie…so for 2 years I went by that name. Then my freshman year in high school the same thing happened, only this time I was in a super rebellious stage and thought it would be better to go by a different name. It was right around the time the movie The Lost boys came out and I loved the name Star. So that’s what I was called for 2 years, until I changed schools. The funny thing is when I changes schools there were some people I went to grade school with who knew me as Marie and then some people from my previous school who knew me as Star. It took my teachers a long time before they realized that Michelle, Marie and Star were the same person.

  3. Kurton 14 Jan 2011 at 12:48 pm

    When I was little, I wished my name was John. Partially because it was more common, and partially because of CHiPs. 🙂 My Mom often relates a story of my first swimming lessons, where the instructor told her that her son, John, was doing very well…

  4. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarahon 14 Jan 2011 at 4:43 pm

    I wanted to be Barbara.

  5. Ryanon 17 Jan 2011 at 12:35 pm

    If only National Delurking Day had coincided with National Catch Up On Your Google Reader Day then my comment may have been on time.

    But my late response is that I wish I had been named Admiral Awesome. That’s not a first and middle name, that’s just the first name. For a long time I wanted it to be Captain Incredible but I decided that Admiral Awesome was both superior in rank and coolness.