Archive for the 'recycle friday' Category

Nov 02 2007

Recycle Friday #3

Published by under daily,random,recycle friday

Number three? Number THREE??? I know that I forgot about my weekly friday theme for a few weeks, but I thought we’d be on 4 or 5 at least?

Blah. I suck! wahoo!

So yesterday, I was perusing my stats to see if anyone ever stops by here anymore, what with my prolonged not-writing-ness and continued grumpiness, and stumbled upon an old post that someone had found while searching for “personifying poop” (don’t worry, no poop will be personified (and don’t you think they actually meant anthromorphized?) in the following recyled post below). I clicked, read my own post, and I must say, I cracked myself up. Here’s an excerpt from my near-death experience:

I can only relate the anguish that I underwent by telling you that I thought death was imminent. My abdomen felt like a fiery pit of hell. My head felt all feverish, goose bumps broke out on my skin, and I actually started sweating like a pig. I could not contain the moaning that seemed to come from my throat.

Another thing I love about this post? In the title bar of the browser, it states: “Poop. at Crazy Mokes.” What’s not to love about that?? So click, and go get your poop, at crazy mokes.

So, a near-death poop experience, and a cute kid story at the end to boot. Go read, have a chuckle, and have a great weekend. Mine will be spent cheering on soccer players under the age of 6, and probably buying & putting together Ikea furniture. Yay for cheap scandinavian consumerism!

-amy wears a hat and scarf indoors.

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Oct 05 2007

Recycle Friday #2

Published by under amy's head,daily,recycle friday

My good friend Linda was trying to help me remember when exactly my blogiversary is, by pointing out that SHE started her blog 2 years ago on October 12th, right when she went to Korea to teach English and starve herself between visits to Subway and Seoul (she’s allergic to seaweed and is a vegetarian and therefore couldn’t eat 90% of the food there. Just between you and me, she could have picked a better country, don’t you think?).

That totally jogged my memory. I had just recently gotten addicted to reading blogs (dooce and loobylu were my first love at first blogs), and then Linda started hers, and I think James had installed wordpress on our server, and I got Linda’s email announcing her blog, turned to James and said, “I want a blog too!” Thank you Linda — so that definitely puts me a few weeks early for last weeks’ announcement that it was my blogiversary, but that’s ok. I’m still going to claim it, because I already did, and I can’t go through all that bother of claiming a different date, I mean, I have important things to do like sitting on my ass and watching Cash Cab figuring out how to make Jocelyn’s Belle costume.

It’s nice to say that I’m looking at a normal weekend ahead of me, and not one that is full of freelance work. “Normal” means a soccer game at 9am and then another one at 11am, but I guess that means we’ll get all that out of the way in the morning and have our afternoon free. Monday is Columbus day, which I have off, but James does not, and the kid’s school is still open. Not sure what I’m going to do with that, but I guess we’ll see. It might be nice to just head into DC by myself and wander through some museums.

Anyway, without further ado, the link for Recycle Friday is one of the first Cute Kids Stories on this site. There are several stories in this post, so sit back for more of an “awwww” than a laugh, really.

And if you have the day off on Monday, and feel like telling me how you plan on spending it, I’d love any suggestions!

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