Aug 31 2009

weekend creation

Published by at 10:20 am under amy's head,crafty,iphone,jewelry,photos

Made this bracelet up over the weekend. It is done in a weave called “Stepping Stones” – very fitting, don’t you think? I tweaked the sizes of the rings to give maximum drama between the “stones” and the smaller rings running around them.

This will be listed in my shop as soon as I can get some good photos taken.

I think when I list it, I will name it, “A River Runs Through It.”

What would you name it? I’d love to hear.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “weekend creation”

  1. tamaraon 01 Sep 2009 at 11:13 am

    The serpent and the circle.
    Circle a Circle.
    Right Round.

    When my sister owned her jewlery/bead store my job was to name everything….I think i have lost the gift of naming…
    How much is this?

  2. Bridget Edghillon 12 Sep 2009 at 5:03 pm

    I absolutely love all of your jewelry, and I think ‘A River Runs Through It’ is the perfect name.