Aug 10 2006

busy busy

Published by at 9:49 pm under daily

Things seem to be going at a crazy pace. Actually not too crazy. A nice pace, although a bit too fast. I always seem to be telling Ethan to hurry up and “Hop to it!” and he always is taking his time, thinking about his little fancy and not worrying about the fact that he needs to get his shoes on and get downstairs for breakfast. I hate that I hurrying him all the time. I hate that time is hurrying on.

I haven’t really been posting a great deal, but I haven’t felt very witty or funny, so I just haven’t bothered. I’ve been having computer issues also, which never helps.

Plus, I just have had my finger in a lot of pies. At least they’ve been tasty.
I’ve been making bears. I have 3, and only 1 is completely finished, and none of them have shoes. And yet I have plans to make some more.
I’m in the middle of making a Hello Kitty pillow for Jocelyn.
I’ve started on the laminate flooring in our basement.

I’ve restored my laptop to it’s factory state, after a lot of growling and gnashing of teeth and whining to IBM for free reconstruction CDs. (which they gave me. i’m a very good whiner.)
We’re going on vacation to a beachhouse in CT at the end of next week.

I’m also halfway through a bottle of tequila, so I’ve got to finish that off. Will my work NEVER be done?? Vacation might FINALLY give me enough time to tackle that one.

I’m going to try to write more though, because there’s some cute kid stuff that has slipped out of my mind that I’ve been meaning to put down here, and the thought of not documenting cute kid stuff is heart breaking to me.

One thing that you can always count on, is that I’m listening to the Dawn and Drew Show, and calling in and rambling at them like the idiot I am 🙂 (Yes. I’m trying to say that I’ve updated that page.)
-amy listens to the rhythmic pulse of the ice cream maker.

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