Jun 13 2008

evidence of the DC area storm

Published by at 1:41 pm under amy's head

About a week and a half ago now, a very strong, though brief, storm came barreling across the DC area. I listened to the radio as I was driving home, and it was a doozy, but passed through the area pretty quickly. It only took about 10 minutes to go over my office, and by 20 minutes, the skies were bright again.

But in that 10 minutes, much havoc was wreaked – all OVER the place.

On my way home a tree was blocking an entire lane on Lee Highway in Merrifield:

An old building on Prosperity had the roof completely blown off:

That white wall behind the wreckage? That’s the building it blew off of.

One response so far

One Response to “evidence of the DC area storm”

  1. Mr. Crazymokeson 13 Jun 2008 at 1:55 pm

    What she forgot to mention was that _I_ was stuck outside, halfway in between the metro station and my car, during those 10 minutes!

    Mr. Crazymokes’s last blog post..Old farts and their hobbies