Mar 19 2006

i heart craftiness

Published by at 4:43 am under amy's head,daily,house,photos

My readymade magazine just arrived, and the crafty urges I’ve been telling you about have grown about 10-fold. And a few of them, I might actually just do!

This sounds really dorky, but I think I’m going to embark on a little art(y) project of a diorama in the box-out above my fireplace. I’ve been thinking alot about my lack of decorativeness and really, I think a lot of it is NOT actually me being decoratively challenged. It is because I AM FICKLE. And I know this about myself. So I think sub consciously, I don’t do much because I’m not sure I’ll like it in six months. Also, I really don’t know what sort of style is really me. I think I’m contemporary with some traditional tossed in. I know I’m not country, but I do fancy some french country sometimes. And what I REALLY know about me is I like to be a bit original. I don’t need 100% originality, but I think I’d like the whole look of a room to be all me, and not look like it could be someone elses. I’m not sure that makes sense, but I think it really means that someone else might HATE it and therefore, it will be all me and could never be someone else – LOL. Maybe (let’s hope this is the real one) it’s actually that it came out of my head and it couldn’t come out of someone else’s, and therefore it is all me. that sounds nicer 🙂
But really, I’m fickle. I know I’m likely to change my mind many many times. So, here’s my goal = EMBRACE THE FICKLENESS! Maybe just do things temporary 🙂 Thus, a diarama that will no doubt be fun to construct and do, even if it looks weird and like crap – hey, I’m fickle anyway, I can always just take the damn thing down.

Oh, and remember when I told you about my big plans for my brother’s photo of my mother’s piano? I was going to get it framed for myself at christmas. Well, it was going to cost over $500, so I scrapped that idea. I have a new one idea for it though. Pixelate it, blow it up huge, print it out and pin it up in my entry way. Or maybe the guest room. Other ideas is to make my own frame. Not sure yet.

I’m feeling so GOOD today, I hope it lasts. Tomorrow I am going to de-clutter and toss a crapload of shit. This mood however, does not mirror my mouth’s health. Specifically, my tongue. I thought about just putting the picture of this heinous canker sore that is decorating my TONGUE (seriously, on the TONGUE? how RUDE.) but it really is disgusting. I mean, it would just BE.. RIGHT THERE. You’d have no choice in your seeing it, because it’d be right there, to see, unless you’re visually impaired, and if you are, you’re in luck, because it’s gross. The rest of you, can click here if you want to see the grossness.*
I also felt domestic today. BEHOLD! these cookies were actually made with a minimal of kid-fussing over who gets to stir/pour/dip/scrape/mix/etc.

milk and cookies

* Don’t you love how I spare you the sight of my cankerous tongue, and yet I have no problem TAKING A PICTURE and POSTING IT ON THE INTERNET in the FIRST PLACE. I truly am whack, yo.**

** (Actually, not so much whack, as, addicted to taking pictures of every itty bitty thing in my life, including my cankerous, painful, throbbing, breathing-heavy, sweaty (– oh, no wait, that’s something else. ahem.) erm, where was I? NASTY OWIE TONGUE! I did show you cookies, so hopefully that makes up for at least part of my dementia.

– amy

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