Nov 17 2005

Paging Brenda. Paging Brenda.

Published by at 12:39 pm under random

Hello Internet. I have a message for Brenda. I will wait while you go fetch her.


Rob, the claims guy from Enterprise has called for you on my cell phone. He’d like you to call concerning a claim number that he garbled and I couldn’t understand. He’d appreciate it if you would call him back as soon as possible.

Maybe when you do, you could mention to him that he doesn’t have your correct phone number, and I would have called him back and told him he dialed wrong, except that he didn’t leave a number. You could also mention that the name AMY sounds NOTHING LIKE BRENDA, and if he had bothered to even HALF listen to the voice mail message, he should have realized he got the wrong number ALL ON HIS OWN.

Thanks Brenda.

OK, hi Internet, I’m back.

Well, I’ve made my effort to pass along the message.

Now I can delete it.

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