May 09 2006

Birthday Boy

Published by at 8:52 am under daily,kids

I went into Ethan’s room this morning and he was sitting up putting on his socks. He gave me a little grin and we exchanged the usual “good morning!”s and “did you go to the bathroom yet?”

me: Guess what!
him: what?
me: Today is your birthday!
him: *gasp of excitement!* I’m four now?
me: Yup, you are four today!
him: I’M FOUR!

The rest of the morning was spent with him saying, “I’M FOUR TODAY!” every few minutes.

I will always be thankful that he was born just in time for me to be a mother on Mother’s day. Even if it means that there is always more birthday excitement going on than Mother’s Day excitement 🙂

june 2002

may 2003

may 2004

September 2005

April 2006

And of course, see the top of the page for this month’s all-ethan-all-the-time-banner.

One response so far

One Response to “Birthday Boy”

  1. YDSon 09 May 2006 at 12:19 pm

    You’ve got yourself one handsome boy there. Good thing he doesn’t take after his dad. 😉

    I love the photochronology – I’m totally going to steal the idea in a couple of years.