Feb 05 2007

small change

Published by at 11:04 pm under daily

I very enthusiastically signed up for Beth’s “Small Change” (the name suggested by Anna, yay Anna!) when she first posted about it. I thought about what exactly I would like to do. Something great! Something fantastic! Of course, by the end of the month, I had done… nothing. But I had SUCH good intentions.

And I must admit, I let it slip my mind. I’ve been trying to get our swap girls’ package done and out the door, and it’s been extraordinarily busy around our house lately.. well, I forgot.

So this evening, when I was catching up on my blogs, I read a backlog of Looky, Daddy and heard the sad news that one of his readers, JudieDJ had lost one of her twins to SIDS. There’s not a lot of details given (it’s sids. not a lot to give, probably) but as I read I felt my eyes fill with tears that a mother (ANY MOTHER!) would, could lose her baby (of any age).

I knew what my contribution to Small Change would be for the month of January, however belatedly. It’s nothing too dramatic, but it brought back Beth’s original point – my small donation is a drop in the bucket, and with enough drops, we all can make a difference. The point is to just do it already.

So I did it already.. donation to SIDS in memory of JudieDJ’s son Bryant. My heart goes out to Judie and her family during what must be a heart-wrenching time.



2 responses so far

2 Responses to “small change”

  1. Chrison 06 Feb 2007 at 10:19 am

    Yay! Very cool 😉

  2. JudieDJon 19 Feb 2007 at 12:49 pm

    Thank you so much. I happened to be doing a google, and this came up. What a wonderful thing to see today.