Apr 02 2007

pink 1

Published by at 11:26 pm under amy's head,daily

Pink 1 went like this:

(Please disregard that stilted, crazed, frozen look on my face. that is the look one gets when one is staring at the camera in someone elses’ hands wondering how it will turn out and when are they going to click the button already? Yeah. not the best expression, but the best hair picture. ohwell.)



I thought it would be cool to just do the top pink. I liked the idea of having the brown show through. And I did quite like it in the back.. however, from the front it just looked kind of dopey. Plus, it didn’t take on the roots at all.

All in all…. I wanted a do-over.

One response so far

One Response to “pink 1”

  1. Hillyon 03 Apr 2007 at 10:44 am

    How totally fun! I don’t have the guts to go pink :).