Nov 08 2007

Things I must make for the holidays

Published by at 1:26 pm under crafty,daily,house,kids,likes & irks

Pillowcases for the kids using this fabric from reprodepot:

Lollipop cookies from Me and My Girl:

An advent calendar from allsorts, which I know realistically I won’t ever make, but isn’t it lovely? I can dream can’t I!

One response so far

One Response to “Things I must make for the holidays”

  1. annaon 08 Nov 2007 at 2:30 pm

    Pillowcases are soooooo easy. I’ve made a few for my nephews. That advent calendar is one of the cutest I have seen. It looks so easy to make and it way beats the cardboard box types. Did you see some of the recipes she linked to? Man that Panna Cotta looks beautiful and delicious.