Feb 27 2008

#58 Wee Wonderfuls Robot

Published by at 6:57 am under crafty,photos

This one was a present for a boy in Jocelyn’s class.

I need to learn to get these things done way ahead of time, as when you rush and finish it the day of the party, no amount of oohing and aahing (which there is usually not much) makes up for the stress.

This is the second time I’ve finished something for a gift way too late (was a joint baby shower last time).

Still though – very cute, don’t you think?

Yeah… too cute 🙂

One response so far

One Response to “#58 Wee Wonderfuls Robot”

  1. Tracy Don 29 Feb 2008 at 2:32 am

    Love it! Want it! Too too cute….

    Tracy D’s last blog post..Randomness