Jul 11 2006

wishing i was …

Published by at 7:33 pm under daily

… handier, DIY-er, craftier, sewing-er… And while I am at it.. I want a pony. And I want an invisible plane and a lasso, because when I get my 3 wishes, I will be WONDER WOMAN!

I have a slew of crafty blogs, including angry chicken, Loobylu (oh i hope they are doing well with their new addition), wee wonderfuls.. and then there’s the Readymade blog, Apartment Therapy, design*sponge & shelterrific..

I have them in their own folder in bloglines, and I usually neglect them for a week and then read a whole ton all in one slew. I should really cut this out, because it makes me wish I had more extensive sew, knit, wield a drill abilities than I actually do.

So when Hilary Lang from Wee Wonderfuls announced (and I actually read it! ON THE DAY!) that her reprint of her “Put-together Book No. 1 for Kitty, Bunny and Bear” is on sale, I skipped on over and ordered. LAST time it went on sale, I didn’t find out about it until it was SOLD OUT (which took like, 2 minutes, so if you want one of these people, hop over there quick!)

So when I get it, I will try my hand at a big footed bunny, me, who’s last sewing project was when I was 13, and I made myself a jean mini-skirt out of my favorite jeans that got a hole in the knee. I’m lying. I have a quilt that is sitting in a box in my guest room which was my last sewing project and is probably doomed to never be completed.

Hopefully I won’t be writing in a month (or a year!) about how my big-footed bunny was the last sewing project I attempted and is doomed to never be completed!

I also have an idea for craftiness that involves clothing for the kids, and NO SEWING and I know I will be able to do. I just have to remember to do it 🙂

-amy bamy bo bamy.

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