Sep 02 2008

Back to School Cake 2008!

Published by at 10:46 am under cooking,crafty,daily,kids,photos

It was a great 3 day weekend, that was filled to the brim with fun things, so I’m going to work my way backward starting with yesterday – Monday, Labor day.

I’ve always thought this was a fun idea – a cake to celebrate the beginning of the new school year. It originally was a cake a friend of mine made because she was so relieved to have the kids out of the house for a large portion of the day again, but I think it still works for us.

I put a twist on it though, we made it a KID-ONLY cake. Meaning, only KIDS are allowed to make it! I told them what to do, I held the bowl when they scraped it into the pan, and I put it into the oven, but other than that, this cake was made by KIDS ONLY! They were SO PROUD!

View all the photos in this here fancy photo-scrollin’-seein’ thingee below:

One response so far

One Response to “Back to School Cake 2008!”

  1. Rattling the Kettleon 02 Sep 2008 at 9:55 pm

    Kids only cake = awesome. I can’t wait until Ronen is old enough to do that.

    Rattling the Kettles last blog post..“After I blow out the candles, I will be three years old!”