Archive for the 'random' Category

Jun 01 2006

i would like pink hair, down to my knees

Published by under amy's head,daily,random

Today was Ethan and Jocelyn’s end of year program at school. It was very cute. Pictures to come, I’m sure. That was how the morning was spent.

I took the entire day off. James went to work after the picnic at the school. I took the kids home. After naptime, I took Jocelyn to get her hair cut at the same place I get mine cut. When I’ve taken her to the kids hair cut place where I take Ethan, they seem to think she is a boy and cut off ALL her hair. She’ll never get her hair cut there again. Butchers.

However, with this new haircut, I can’t really tell a difference – Not from this place, and the old place. I can’t tell if her hair now is any different than it was before the haircut. In a way, that’s good, because I didn’t want them to cut it all off.

Jocelyn looks super cute in pig tails. However, she pulls them out after 2 minutes, EVERY TIME. Very frustrating.

We went to Target after the cutting of hair, and I let the kids get a toy each, as long as it wasn’t too expensive. I picked out Strawberry Shortcake for Jocelyn (with kitty, and a scooter!) and I kind of had my eye on a hot wheels race track I thought Ethan would like. He was into it, until he saw a Tonka box that had a whole slew of construction trucks. He decided he wanted that one instead. When we got home, he was totally absorbed with his new stuff. Jocelyn got her stroller and took her old doll out, threw it on the floor, put Strawberry in it, and pushed her around. Half hour later, she was done with Strawberry, and kept bugging Ethan by coming close to where he was playing, and looking at his stuff cross eyed. Just kidding, although I’m sure that would have bugged him too. She’d keep picking up stuff he wasn’t playing with and handing it to him and he’d get all mad whenever she touched anything that was his.

Ahhhhhh siblings.

This evening, I went to my friend Selena’s Sprintini party and drank a bit. I came home a little plastered. I broke one of her glasses. I don’t think I broke it in a drunken grand hand gesture, but one can never rely on drunk memory, can one.

So I’ve been home, with the nice buzz going, and therefore I’ve just spent the last hour brushing Strawberry Shortcake’s hair and doing it up in different ‘dos. I should have taken pictures, because Strawberry and I went through many many hairdos. Honestly, with beautiful fluffy pink hair like that, there really isn’t any way you can do it and have it look bad. Except when you do pigtails, because that exposes the slight bald spots she has in the back of her head, near the bottom. The Strawberry Shortcake makers put loooooots of hair along the front, but are pretty chintsy in the back. We’ve had a consultation about Rogaine, but we’ve decided that drugs are not the way to go. We will just work with her ASSETS to diminish her not-so-much-assets faults.* Better to do an UP do.

Just so you know, next time you have a Strawberry Shortcake Hair Emergency. Up ‘do’s = Gor-JEST!

The End.

UPDATE: I just read this over this morning and damn, so many errors. I’ve corrected a bunch of them.

* Last night writing this sentence, I COULD NOT remember the word “faults” and so I said, “not-so-much-assets”. The mind boggles. The drunken mind however, just makes shit up.

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May 05 2006

Cinco de Mayo Baby!

Published by under amy's head,daily,kids,random

First off, I’m pleased to announce that when I rolled over in bed this morning and took a quiet little peep at the new banner lying there, it’s pixels all akimbo, I was relieved and pleased to find that I still liked it. We won’t have a May Banner #3. I know you’re all relieved too, and find my wild fickle fluctuations terribly upsetting.

Secondly, what is going on? Hello? Did everyone take the day off or something? My commute to work with the PKR at my side was DISTURBINGLY QUICK AND EASY. First there was the usually stop-up at Linton Hall and 28, and there was no backup at all. After I picked up the PKR and hopped on 66, the usual parking lot until we get into the full 4 lanes was not too eye-gougingly painful at all. Before we hit 28, I pointed out that there were actually more cars in the HOV lane that in the other lanes! Then we hit the place right before 50 that is usually where everyone puts it into park, cranks up their radios, and hops out onto their hood for a quick smoke before it’s time to get back in, move up 5 feet, and then repeat. We managed to keep going about 45 MPH throughout that spot. Then when we took our exit (Nutley) and beheld the 2 lights we needed to go through to turn left onto 29.. There was nothing. Maybe a dozen cars, if that. It was just clear sailing and smooth untrodden on asphault as far as the eye could see.


Seriously did everyone take Cinco de Mayo off? Has everyone just left town for a long weekend and nobody told me they were going? What the fuck?

Someone let me know, or I’m going to assume that aliens have abducted two-thirds of the commuting population.

I’ve kind of not written in this here space (is it just me that noticed I’ve not really been writing and everyone reading is like, “huh? what? you’ve been half-assing it? Didn’t even notice. Later.”) because I wanted to write about all the stuff that has happened already before I write about current things, or even things that are rolling around in my head, and part of why I haven’t written about past things is because I wanted to post pictures along with it, and that requires me getting the photos into some semblence of post-a-bility, and so instead of sitting down and writing, I’ve been sitting down and photo wrangling. Then I’m like, “well, damn where has the time gone? Well I’ll just put up some pictures since I didn’t have time to write” which is why there have been a lot of posts with just photos instead of words. Which I’m kind of liking anyway, now I just need to post some words too, and I’ll be happy. So, in a nutshell, I may never talk about the things I was going to, in the past, because a) it’s been like 2 weeks now and I’ve forgotten a lot of it, and b) i haven’t had time to write much anyway and now it’ll take forever to catch up to the “present.”


Trinity our cat has always peed everywhere, and last year she finally starting peeing everywhere with a little reddish hue and we woke up and thought, Hmmm! Gee! maybe she’s doing this because something is wrong! We took her in, and yes, there was something wrong, and it was bladder stones, and she had surgery, and we paid astronomical fees and took her home with the instructions that we had to change her food.

The thought of “but how will we change just her food and not the others and oh this will be so difficult to orchestrate” as well as some vague directive that the other cats might be ok with eating the food too but have them tested anyway, kind of made it all sink into the background and we never got around to it.. and so now, she’s REALLY been peeing everywhere lately and so I took her into the vet and sure enough, she has red blood cells in her urine and the vet recommends an ultrasound to check for more stones. We suck as kitty-parents.

But she is back home now, and on antibiotics, and we seem to have gotten the feeding cats separately part down, and have EVEN managed to give her her pill without forgetting even once (SO FAR!) (OH MY GOD WHY DID NO ONE EVER GIVE US A “PILLER” BEFORE THEY ARE SO EASY!) and now we just have to schedule a sonogram and get the other cats in for their yearly shots and we MIGHT be able to remove the “sucky kitty-parents” sign from off of our backs. I will always kind of have that sign, because… now don’t hate me… I would be much happier if we just didn’t have any cats at all. I’ve said it before, and now I’m saying it again. I’d love to not feel the grit of litter on my laundry room floor, and not have to scoop out poop and pour out food into bowls and the level of effort has now just gone way up what with the separate foods and all, so you may now all hate me as I hate myself for wanting to shirk my responsibilities as a cat owner. Anyone want a cat? Or three?
Ethan’s birthday is next week, which means we have to go find him a bike this weekend, which is what we decided we’d be giving him for his birthday. Then he is having a birthday party next Saturday with the 8 kids from his class all invited. Eight. 4-year-olds. In my house. I haven’t even figured out what to do for it yet. I have gotten a few suggestions – a camping theme, with flashlights for the kids and toasting marshmellows and hotdogs over a fire and tents and camping games and camoflaugeyness. I read about a dinosaur theme where the kids can find “bones” (dog bones) in the sand like in an archeological dig. Honestly, that sounds neat and all, but I think ethan would rather just play in the sand with his tiny loader and bulldozer like a normal kid. Plus, we have a pretty small sand table and I don’t think that would work. One game I heard is to tie a prize/treat on one end of a string/ribbon and give each kid an end and work their way to the prize, which could be fun. I will probably end up doing the tried and true, “procrastinate until the last minute and just let them play with the toys we already have for a while, then have pizza and cake and ice cream and call it good.”

So, yeah, I wish I was all Martha Stewart with the ideas and the time for super cool execution, and honestly, I would make a pretty good effort if I hit on the right idea, but the procrastination thing is starting to creep up and be the party theme by default. So if you have any wonderful fantazmagoric ideas for me, I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR THEM. Even something for the goody bags, for Jocelyn’s I bought the random plastic crap that is in all the goody bags you see, but I also made marble magnets with simple shapes and colors that can go on the fridge. This time, I’d like to do more handmade and less plastic that will be trashed, or at LEAST get some plastic that will be used. I’m thinking something to drive all the parents crazy – like kazoos. The kids would LOVE them. Parents, not so much.

I am totally going to steal this idea for Ethan’s fifth birthday party.

Anyway, enough with the typing for today. Some things I want to spill (this list is more for my own reference than yours: yard photos and plans, how i killed all (almost all) my little baby seedlings, other things I did NOT kill (but almost did), project skinny starting over AGAIN (really, i mean it this time, no REALLY), environmental anxiety and guilt and How This Might Be The Straw That Brings Divorce Papers, and remind me to tell you about the Dawn and Drew Show and how I was ON IT.
The End.

-amy hopes the traffic is also non existant this afternoon.

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May 03 2006

New banner

Published by under daily,random

My neighbor and friend Selena mentioned that her favorite banner was the one of me and Jocelyn. So though it’s not of me and Jocelyn, it is one of the 2 cutest kids ever. Not that I’m biased or anything.

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May 03 2006


Published by under daily,random

Yeah, bet you thought I wasn’t doing it, eh Anna?


I WANT: more hours in the day.
I WISH: I could ride my bike more, for longer.
I HATE: cleaning.
I MISS: my life before we had kids.
I FEAR: losing members of my family.
I HEAR: the Dawn and Drew show.
I WONDER: if the Dawn and Drew show will play my audio comment(s) (they have played one! if you want to know which, email me).
I REGRET: NOTHING! (ha. if only this were true.)
I AM NOT: June Cleaver, though I do use dishwashing gloves.
I DANCE: even when people ARE looking.
I SING: ABBA songs, loudly. AQUA too.
I CRY: when I don’t get enough sleep, or when I have PMS. Or when I watch sappy movies. Or when I FEEL LIKE IT, AND I DON’T THINK I HAVE TO JUSTIFY MY REASONS FOR YOU, NOSEY INQUISITIVE LIST-TYPE THING!
I AM NOT ALWAYS: very attractive.
I MAKE WITH MY OWN HANDS: cinnamon rolls, bread, pies, cakes and biscuits. Websites.
I WRITE: Checks to pay our utilities. (just kidding. online banking is my friend.)
I CONFUSE: the birds who are trying to make a nest in our dryer vent.
I NEED: to quit leaving my wallet in random establishments.
I SHOULD: clean more.
I START: sudoku puzzles. And laundry. And quilts and crochet projects. And making marble magnets.
I FINISH: suduko puzzles. And making marble magnets. And watching Gilmore Girls.
I TAG: Nobody — if you feel like doing it, feel free 🙂

-oooh, this was fun 🙂 Thanks Anna!

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Apr 28 2006

a dream the first morning in New Jersey…

Published by under amy's head,random

We arrived at our hotel pretty late, around 1 or 2am last Friday night.

I don’t think the BOTH of us have been away from the kids, together, since … oh.. I don’t know, they were born? The big huge event we were looking forward to (besides, you know, the blessed event of two people joining together in matrimony, you know, BESIDES ALL THAT) ….

was the sleeping in. OH CRIMINITLY, how I was looking forward to just sleep sleep sleeping in.

So there I was, Saturday morning with noone hammering on the side of the bed with a toy hammer, or rattling the slats of their crib because they’ve been awake for an hour and are finally getting bored — yes, there I was, SLEEPING IN (oh sweet rapture how I miss thee!!), and I was starting to wake up, but kept willing myself to go back to sleep, just because I COULD, DAMMIT, when I had this dream.

I was invited to join this club or organization of some sort, and was somewhat astounded to be in it, because there were quite a few high profile bloggers in it, and in my dream, we were all living in the same neighborhood.

It snowed, and there was snow that had to be shoveled, so we all pitched in and started shoveling, and James was there, and shoveling and working hard right alongside Jason Kottke when all of a sudden he stopped, put down his shovel and said to me, “Well, I just laid some tile in World of Warcraft and the grout has to set for 10 minutes before you can use it, and it’s been 10 minutes, so I have to go.” I’ve mentioned before how I have this jealous hatred of WoW, and in my dream, I could not BELEIVE that James was leaving the important work of shoveling snow to GO LAY TILE IN WORLD OF WARCRAFT. I told him off, threw down my shovel, and ran away like a hurt pre-teen who asked her first crush to the school dance and got laughed at. I knew he would come after me, so I ran into someone’s open garage, and then was aghast to hear the owners start to pull in, and I was so embarassed that I was hiding in my neighbor’s (and yet I didn’t know who’s it was) garage that I hid deeper, if you will, until I saw that it was Heather Armstrong (aka Dooce) getting out of the car, and then I really was mortified because how do you explain that you just had to hide from your husband who was busy laying tile in World of Warcraft and one of the most popular blogger ever just happened to be the garage that was handiest and no, I’m not a stalker, but Leta sure is cute and good luck on that sewage problem and I hope her college savings is still intact and I’ll be sure to click on the ads for that purpose and gee, we have that same lawn mower and I’ll be getting out of your hair now and again, no restraining order necessary, really …? (I had to look back and see that yes, that sentence really was supposed to have a question mark at the end. I need help.) (I also didn’t know about the sewage problem when this dream took place, but you get my point. Many things going through the head, in dreamland, that’s my point.)

By now I was really drifting up out of the dream, into that place where you are still dreaming, but it’s like you’re floating above everything, WATCHING the dream as it unrolls, and sometimes if you’re lucky, you can take control of the dream and go on really cool adventures, or even better, SEX DREAMS. Anyway, I wasn’t lucky enough to dream a sex dream (with Heather! Ooh La la!) but I pretty much ruined the dream and woke up by just being so damned AMUSED at DREAMING about james LAYING TILE IN AN ONLINE GAME. I have played RPG games called muds where you have to actually role play stuff out, but you know, you gloss over that kind of crap – he was ACTUALLY LAYING TILE, and HAD TO WAIT FOR THE GROUT TO SET UP PROPERLY. I woke up and instantly poked james and said, “You were laying tile in World of Warcraft, you ninny!” cackling with laughter. It’s a good thing it was so damned funny or I still would have been PISSED OFF.


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Mar 28 2006

i don’t care if you don’t know squat about yoga…

Published by under likes & irks,random

you must go visit this site:

It’s a hoot.

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Mar 27 2006

Storytime: the Birth of Ethan

Published by under amy's head,daily,random

Anyone else notice how I had a whole daily post thing going for about 2 weeks there?

And then this weekend I BLEW IT!

Oh well 🙂

I have been meaning to write about the birth of my kids for some time now, maybe because someone out there might enjoy hearing about it, but mostly because it is already faded in my memory and I want to have it down so I will remember it when the memory is totally gone.

It actually took us a while to get pregnant with Ethan. I think it took about 7 months. We weren’t too worried, but I must have been a wee bit worried because I remember I had bought an ovulation test and had started using it the month I turned up pregnant. It was pretty exciting, being pregnant for the first time. People would always ask me 2 things (and, it’s always what I ask others who are pregnant, so I’m to blame too) 1) Do you have morning sickness? and 2) Have you had any weird cravings?

I DID have morning sickness, but it was only super bad in relation to my prenatal vitamin. The one that is chocked so full of iron it makes your poop black and not want to come out AT ALL. The iron also made me want to puke until my stomach went on strike. One morning I popped my vitamin and then headed to work only to have to open the door and puke out my breakfast onto the road at a stop light. Once I clued in that my stomach couldn’t handle the vitamin, I started taking it at night RIGHT before bed and I did much better. I still had that general nauseous feeling, but it was never bad enough to actually make me vomit. I would also start to feel all queasy if I needed to a) pee, or b) eat something.

I never thought I had cravings. UNTIL!

I was really hankering from some Taco Bell. Well, there is a place in Bethesda MD that I used to go to every day, when I worked there, called California Tortilla. MMmmmm. Love me the california tortilla (they have since franchised and I get me some CT lovin’ on a much more regular basis, oh yum). Well, I had been wanting taco bell lately, and one weekend we were going to go the the rennaisance festival in Maryland. James had mentioned how CT IS on the way (sort of) and maybe we could make a pit stop for some California Tortilla burrito love. I waited for the excitement to grow, and it was at that moment, I realized that I did have cravings.. Even though I loved California Tortilla burritos more than life itself, I did NOT want one. I did not want the crunchy bbq ranchy CT goodness! I did NOT want the best chips int eh world dipped into the perfect queso one has ever tasted! NO! I DID NOT! I wanted to go to Taco Bell, and no CT alternative would suffice, IT HAD TO BE TACO BELL!

That is when I realized that YES, I HAD WEIRD CRAVINGS!!? 🙂

I would have to say that the best part of pregnancy is the 2nd trimester. The trimester when you’re showing, but not huge. The trimester when you’ve lost that queasy butterfly in your stomach so you may vomit, feeling. The trimester when you are randy and horny as hell and sex is still fun and not a complicated exercise in strange positions, and it is also the trimester when you actually feel that little life inside of you moving about and you’re certain that’s what it is and it’s not just gas (the 1st trimester, I could never be SURE).

The third trimester, just plain sucks. You stomach becomes huge, and absolutely rigid and hard and not at all amenable to being bumped. That is the worst part of being pregnant, I think. The no bumping. After I had both my kids, I used to just walk around the house bumping into things with my stomach, JUST BECAUSE I COULD. The waddling, the back aches, the unable to pick up anything off the ground without huge effort.. it just sucks. And it lasts FOREVER.

Overall, I would have to give pregnancy a thumbs down. Sure, I can get kind of nostalgic about it now that it’s over and I have 2 darling kids to show for it, but in general, I don’t fancy pregnant. When some women go on about how they loved being pregnant and blah blah blah, I just cannot relate. It’s long, and you can’t drink a lot of things you like, and what with needing a crane to turn over in bed the last month and a half.. I definitely am glad there won’t be any more pregnancies in my future (so we THINK).

I remember going to the doctor when I was pregnant with Ethan. Fairly early on, they detected a growth of some sort near my uterus that they couldn’t really figure out what it was. They kept sending me in for ultrasounds often to track the unknown thingee, and they pretty much decided it was fluid filled, and wasn’t going to hurt anything, but they’d still monitor it. They decided it was probably a symptom of endometriosis (i bet I’m so getting that wrong, it’s been a while) and may dissipate on it’s own in time. They knew he was a big baby from the get go, and when the ultrasounds at the end of the pregnancy pointed out he was breech, along with this mystery thingee to monitor, they scheduled me for a c-section. We had taken childbirth classes, and learned all about the different stages of birth and what happens and why and blah blah blah.. I was so devastated to learn I would not get to experience ANY part of that. The c-section was scheduled Thursday, the week before his due date. It was downright eerie going to bed the night before, knowing that the next day we would meet our baby.

James didn’t want to know the sex of the baby, and I was ok with going along with that, thought it was FREAKING HARD PEOPLE. It was a bit exciting, not knowing what we would have until the big day arrived, but when pregnancy #2 rolled around, I told James we weren’t doing that again. I needed the info! Gotta have the 411! Purple or blue, I gotta know! We decorated the baby room with a beautiful green paint on the walls and a John Lennon “Musical Parade” crib theme that wasn’t really gender specific. I think I felt like I knew it would be a boy, but who knows, hindsight is 20/20, right? I KNOW that I would have been surprised if it turned out to be a girl.

So the morning came, and we arose early and got ourselves to the hospital. I don’t remember much of the waiting, but somehow, I got myself in the gorgeous open green hospital gown, and had to go into the operating room by myself, while James waited outside in the hall, while I got my epidermal.

Oh. My. God, was it awful.

First of all, when an epidermal is normally administered, the ladies are already experiencing pain and are probably just relieved to have some relief from that pain. It is quite another thing to go walking in totally normal and pain free and have them shove a 3 inch needle into your spinal column. When you are totally fine. Without pain. It was so awful, I can’t tell you how awful it was (and yet, in spite of not being able to tell you, I will attempt to anyway).

I remember the nurse standing right in front of me and her hands on my shoulders, pressing down. They told me to look down and keep my back rounded (yeah, YOU try to keep YOUR back rounded when you have something bigger than a bowling bowl in your uterus) and my shoulders down. The anesthesiologist (heretofore known as the Evil Needle Man, or ENM) was supposed to administer a local anesthetic which was supposed to numb the area, so that when the Big One went in, I didn’t feel it much. Well, I felt it much.

It hurt. SO. BAD. I have never had to urge to SPOUT PROFANITY so vehemently before (or since!) in my life. I could not KEEP myself from cussing out that guy and everything in the room, because of the pain. The nurse had to keep pressing on my shoulders and saying over and over, “shoulders down, back rounded” because a split second would go by and I would forget and tense my shoulders up to my ears and straighten my back.

It hurt so so so so so so so badly. It was AWFUL.

I am happy to report that when the time came for epidural #2 (with jocelyn) it wasn’t nearly so bad. In comparison, it was a sweet summer breezy breeze.

Anyway. After the epidural was in and working, my whole body was altered. I was no longer in a “normal” state. I could not stop shivering. It wasn’t the “i’m cold” shivering, but the, “every muscle in my body is totally tensed to the point that they are shaking and I can’t stop them” shivering. My doctor had talked to me before about the possibility of watching the operation in a mirror. She said that a c-section can seem so weird to some women because they don’t even feel like it is happening to themselves. At the time, I thought, hell yeah! I want to watch! How cool would that be! Like my very own personal version of “Birth Story”, except with my own abdomen, and my own baby.

However, in the moment, I had to devote every moment of my attention to breathing, and trying to relax and not shiver. I felt like someone was sitting on my chest and every breath was a huge effort. When I told the ENM that I was having a hard time breathing, he assumed it was because of the angle of my head/neck, and fetched me a pillow. I then had a neck-based headache for the next week because my muscles had tensed themselves in this odd position and there they stayed for the next week.

The birth/operation itself was surreal and strange. I felt a lot of pressure and tugging, and I remember asking, “Have you started yet?” and the doctor laughing and assuring me yes, they’d started, a few minutes ago. I remember she announced, “It’s a boy!” and they showed him to us both over the curtain, but it was too high and I didn’t see him. They went and cleaned him up and performed all the APGAR tests, and then brought him back to my side. I wish I could say that when they showed me my son, I was overcome with joy and elation and everything else fled, but honestly, I still was just trying to get through it all. James sat with him in his arms next to me for a while, and I turned and looked at him as long as I could before my neck rebelled and I had to turn my head upward again and close my eyes and think, “breath, breathe, breathe, keep breathing..” It is blurry now, but they wanted to take Ethan into the nursery for some reason, heat lamps or something, and since I had another 30-40 minutes to go, James left my side to go be next to Ethan (at my bidding, lest anyone think he was a callous idiot husband).

So they finished up the c-section, my doctor reported to me on the state of my uterus (pretty bad scarring from endometriosis) stitched me up. The first part of a c-section is quick. They slice through the abdomen wall, and then through the uterine wall, get the baby out, all in the first 5-8 minutes. Then, they have to make sure everything is out of the uterus (placenta, etc.) sew up the uterus, sew up the abdomen, etc. and that takes another 30-40 minutes. It pretty much sucks, having your baby outside of you, while you are stuck on the operating table waiting for them to finish sewing you up. It doubly sucked for me, because my baby and my husband weren’t in the same room as me, and I had to lay there and concentrate on the ability to breath in and out, and listen to ENM plan his weekend on his cell phone (which consisted of a fishing trip, and don’t bring your skanky girlfriend, because she’s a ho and will ruin the entire trip. This is what I heard, after having my son removed from my uterus. Oh joy.)

They finished, and the massive drugs part of the epidural was tapered off and morphine was kicked in so that the whole shaking shivering breathing problems abated. They took me into the recovery room where I laid there, waiting, in a very surreal, weird state of mind. I remember being very calm and watching the clock, wondering where my baby and my husband were. I laid there for an hour and a half before James came back in. I had asked where they were, and they told me that they were giving Ethan a bath. When James came back in, he told me that they wanted to keep Ethan under the heat lamps for a little while because he was a little cold from his first bath. So it wasn’t until about 2 hours later, when they finally brought my baby in for me to hold.

He was, the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. He had the most precious little head, and if there is ANY pros for c-sections, it’s that the baby’s head is perfectly shaped, no weird cone-head that often comes with a normal birth (this is so not a pro. i’m just saying. you take what you can get.) He had the fuzzy dark brown down all over his head and I immediately noticed he had the same “tornado” that his daddy has. James’ hair grows in a swirly swirl near the front right over his left eye. I have buzzed his head often, and I always have to be careful getting all the hairs over that spot that grow all which ways, so I noticed it on Ethan’s head right away. It just melted my heart 🙂 He had gray eyes that didn’t seem to look right to me, and a few months later when they started to turn brown, it seemed to give his face a better coloring. The gray made him washed out, and when they finally went brown, he stopped looking sickly to me.

After that, it stopped being surreal, and started being the wonderful, exhausting experience it’s supposed to be. I hardly let him leave the room after that, and a few days later, we all went home to figure out our new identity as a family 🙂

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Mar 24 2006

Storytime! I was in PORN!

Published by under amy's head,random

ok, not really. but it is still a fun story!

This happened at the first “real” job I ever worked, when I lived in Atlanta. I was working as a fledgling HTML coder at a web design firm. I will always be grateful to this first opportunity, because they had some of the best graphic designers ever, as well as excellent programmers and project managers, and it was at this company that I really learned a lot, and got a good basis for my entire career. I think about some of the other shops I worked in and am RELIEVED that my first position was in such a professional shop which gave me a such a great start to grow from.

(Some of the other places I’ve worked, ho boy.)

And of course, now that I’ve told you how stalwart and professional and above-board this company was, I will toss all that and tell you about ALL the shenanigans that were carried on and oh how they were amusing!

Now, I’m going to tell you a secret. You may not have ever heard this before, so brace yourself. It is a bit shocking.

The majority of traffic on the internet is for porn.

That’s right, I know, SHOCKING! You have never ever heard that before, had you? There is actually a very fun little song about this, which you should go hear. I saw it in a video sung by World of Warcraft characters, but if you’re not a WoW person, just ignore the weird video and watch it anyway, because the song is dang funny.


So anyway. My company in Atlanta didn’t really have a ton of porn clients or anything, but they did have one. They had the client before I started working there, but apparently it was kind of a big deal when they were approached by this porn company to get their porn website up and running. My company initially said NO, not interested, but then the porn company threw so much money at them that they wouldn’t be self respecting business to say no! So, they asked this one web designer if he would mind doing the work and acting as the sole person on this project, and he was fine with it so they took the contract.

So it wasn’t too odd to walk past this guy’s desk and see pictures of naked women. Well, one day, he was working on a little shockwave interactive thingee. The girl (animated, not photographed) was dressed in minimal clothing- lingerie, bra, underwear, you know, and the user would click on an article of clothing, and she’d make some sexy sound in her sultry voice and the clothing would be gone, until the user had clicked it all away. Maybe they made the user pay 5 bucks for each click, who knows.

So my friend is doing this little shockwave movie, but the client didn’t send over any sound. The developer is a guy, so it wasn’t like he could make the sexy “OOH!” and “Ahhhs!” So he tells someone his dilemma and eventually all the gals in the entire office are gathered around his desk tittering into a microphone for him. Including yours truly. And who was the best?

That’s right, that’d be me.

So my claim to fame is that there was a little porn clickity movie somewhere that had my voice gasping “Oh baby!” and “Mmmm!”

It’s a cool story, especially at parties. And especially if you start it with a blatent, “I was in PORN!”

But it’s not over yet! The funny part of the story has yet to come!

The VP of sales in this company.. well, he was kind of a pervy horn dog. And knowing about this porn contract, he would always come over to the developer’s desk and check out whatever it was the web designer was working on for this particular client. Sometimes he would even request that the developer send him a copy of his work.

As the developer worked on this shockwave movie, he KNEW that Pervy VP would want a copy. So, while he had all the office ladies gathered around laughing and gasping into the microphone, he had one lady say, “YUMMM-EEEEEEH!” This lady had a very distinctive voice, as she had been smoking for about 20 years. Very husky, very low.. almost man-nish. In fact, I would have to say a lot of the time, she sounded like a (bad) drag queen.

So he made one version of the movie for the client. A normal version. Then, he made a second version for Pervy Sales VP guy. This version changed the ending. The last article of clothing to go is obviously the underwear, leaving the girl naked for all to see. Instead of seeing what you would usually see after sending the underwear bye-bye, he put … shall we say, very generously proportioned male genitalia there, along with this woman’s voice, saying, “YUMMM-EEEEE!” sounding all drag-queenish. It was HILARIOUS, — especially thinking about Pervy VP guy and the look on his face when he would get to the end.

Ahh yes.. those were the good old days.

The days when I was in porn.

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Mar 22 2006

oh, ok…

Published by under daily,random

Greg isn’t really a dork.

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Mar 22 2006

quick update

Published by under amy's head,daily,random

Took a picture of the seedlings this morning, in good light! yay! but you’ll have to wait until this evening to see it.

Got an invitation to BlogAds from RockstarMommy – she is the best! Thanks chica.

They gave me a “free ad code” to send to my friends so that they can submit ads to be displayed for free on my site for the first few weeks.


I don’t care if you have nothing to shill. Here is your chance to make a little graphic, or even just write some text, and post it on the sidebar of my site. Do you realize the possibilities? I’m thinking I need to make something that proclaims Greg is a dork, and put it up for all to see. Other possibilities:

  • James drinks chocolate milk every night.
  • I HATE PEAS! (i don’t, i’m thinking of this one for you)
  • Andrew has more shoes that Zappos,
  • I refuse to let dishwater touch my skin,
    and, of course,
  • Greg is a dork.

Think outside the box people. Devise your personal manifesto. Divulge your secrets in ad-form. Shill away!

Click here to submit your ad:

And email me for the free code. Remember, I still have to approve them. Neener neener!

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